Classification Societies
- ABS, The American Bureau of Shipping is a not-for-profit corporation that has no capital stock and pays no dividends. All funds generated from fees for classification services are used solely for the performance of such services. A surplus of receipts in any one year is used for the extension and improvement of our services, including research and development.
- Bureau Veritas
- DNV – Det Norske Veritas is one of the world's leading classification societies, and helps the maritime industry manage risk in all phases of the ships life, through ship classification, statutory certification, fuel testing and a range of technical, business risk, financial and competency related services.
- Germanischer Lloyd is to the forefront whenever it comes to testing, researching and continual improving safety-relevant factors. For about 140 years Germanischer Lloyd (GL) has been offering its services to the shipping industry and setting standards in technology, safety and quality.
- Lloyd’s Register The Lloyd's Register Group is an organisation that works to enhance safety and to approve assets and systems at sea, on land and in the air.
- The International Assocation of Classification Societies IACS makes a unique contribution to maritime safety and regulation through technical support, compliance verification and research and development.
- Korean Register of Shipping
- Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, known as ClassNK or NK, is a ship classification society.
It is what is known under Japanese law as a public service foundation and in its Act of Endowment, its ultimate goal is expressed as: "to contribute to the development of maritime service for the protection of human life and property at sea". Environmental protection has also become an increasingly major concern.
- Registro Italiano Navale RINA is a joint stock company, in charge of the operational activities of the Foundation Registro Italiano Navale, a private, non-profit making institution, established in Genova by a group of shipowners and underwriters in 1861 and one of the oldest classification societies in the world.
- Russian Maritime Register of Shipping is a classification society the Russian Register was established on 31 December 1913 as a result of the many years' experience in the sphere of technical supervision of ships.
Croatian Register of Shipping CRS is a heritor of ship classification activities at the eastern Adriatic coast.
- Polski Rejestr Statków Polish Register of Shipping Joint Stock Company is an independent classification society with many years of tradition in the Polish shipping community dedicated to ensuring safety, in particular safety at sea and protection of the marine environment against pollution from ships, developing and assisting in the implementation of relevant standards.